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Company profile

Sif, founded in 1948, is a company with a solid track record. From an initial pure manufacturing company of large, thick tubular steel structures, the company has transitioned towards a total solution provider of offshore wind monopile foundations. Sif employs over 600 people (approximately 50% of whom are on the payroll) at two manufacturing sites in the Netherlands: Roermond and Maasvlakte 2, near Rotterdam. Sif has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam since May 2016.

Sif continuously strives to optimize its assets to meet market demands; we develop offshore wind foundation design engineering and support integrated transition piece-less monopile alternatives. Sif is increasing its logistics and marshalling services and continoulsy aims to keep its production assets in shape to deal with the ever-increasing dimensions of monopile foundations.

The drive and focus on renewable energy as part of the global sustainability agenda motivates the present and future employees at Sif. Sif operates in a stimulating and rewarding business environment and puts effort in attracting highly qualified personnel, suppliers and other business partners on its mission to contribute to the global energy transition agenda in our field.

Although sometimes perceived as being critical in our dialogue with customers, we strive to actively share ideas in order to create customer value and aim for efficiency and cost-saving opportunities. We aim to advise clients at an early stage what effects engineering choices have on the overall manufacturing, installation, operational or logistics costs.

Sif is gradually becoming a “total solutions” partner that offers design engineering, high-end manufacturing and other related parts required for a complete latest generation monopile foundations including foundation, tower and turbine, logistic and marshalling services

Fred van Beers (CEO)

Our mission

To be the best monopile solution provider through innovation, engineering and excellent manufacturing with commitment to the environment and our employees’ well-being

Our vision

To accelerate the growth of offshore wind power generation as a key driver of the world’s energy transition

While Sif traditionally serves the north-western European markets, we consider the offshore wind market as an increasingly global market. Our sales office in Tokyo is a first step illustrating that Sif is gradually developing its global presence.

Company Video



Sif delivers the 2000th monopile


Extension of 20 hectares at Maasvlakte 2 for marshalling and logistic services


Opening of the Tokyo sales office


Commissioning of a 12 MW GE Haliade-X turbine at the Sif terminal


Expanding to 42 hectares at Maasvlakte 2 – Rotterdam


Sif listed on the Euronext stock exchange


Strategy change: from pressure vessels to offshore foundations


Sif builds its first production halls and office in Roermond


Sif founded by Jan Jacob Schmeitz

Our core values


Another word for commitment
and responsibility. This starts with
clarity about who does what and an open culture in which we approach one another with a focus on solutions
about everyone’s share in the bigger picture.

Focus on results

That’s why we do what we do.
Together, we think carefully about the right focus to ensure that today is better than yesterday.
Sustainable and quantifiable.


The ‘we’ of Sif is super-strong both internally and externally. That is important, as we are a vital component in the wider chain providing wind energy.

Capacity & competences

Sif has two manufacturing facilities equipped with 47 Sif-designed welding machines and 8 rollers.

. The Roermond plant, which covers more than 100,000 square metres, specializes in the manufacture of cans and cones, transition pieces, pin piles, legs and pile sleeves with a wall thickness of up to 160 mm.

Sif Roermond

Get in touch

Sif Maasvlakte 2 Rotterdam

Get in touch

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