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Press Room

Our Investor Relations department is responsible for press releases and contacts. Other media contacts are managed by the marketing & communication department.

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Meet us

As we are convinced that good relationships are the basis of the success of high-quality projects, we value personal contact.

We understand that it's not always possible to travel to one of our offices or production locations in Roermond or Rotterdam, which is why we'd be happy to meet you elsewhere.

Due to the restrictive measures of Covid-19, Sif is not yet participating in exhibitions and conferences this year. We're looking forward to meeting you at the exhibitions and conferences in 2021 that will focus on the offshore wind power and offshore gas and oil market.

We'd be happy to provide you with more information about our offshore projects and products.


Hollandse Kust Zuid

In production

Borssele 1-2


St. Brieuc


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