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Shaping tomorrow. Performing today.

Sif is leading in offshore foundations and delivers quality on time, safely and within the agreed budget. We make good on this promise because of our critical approach to the preliminary stage. Our dedicated specialists optimize each project on design, feasibility, coating and logistics. We want to ensure our production and the installation processes are efficient and cost optimal by working closely with our clients.

We also think beyond today's projects. By considering tomorrow and keeping a close eye on market developments, we adapt to the changing needs of market participants. We use our knowledge, experience, and inventiveness for product development and innovation. This is how we actively help shaping the future of offshore wind energy.

Current Covid-19 measures at Sif Group


Products & Services


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Monopiles & Transition Pieces?

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Hollandse Kust Zuid

In production

Borssele 1-2


St. Brieuc

Product innovation

The reduction of costs of offshore wind energy is primarily driven by innovations and efficiency improvements.

The industry continues to find ways to increase the power generation of offshore wind farms. Currently, a generating capacity of 15 MW per turbine is close to reality. Sif tracks the latest developments in turbine technology closely and investigates exactly what effect this will have on size, manufacturability and cost of foundations.

Working at Sif

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