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Environmental Windmolens


Close to 100% of the foundations Sif delivers are for offshore wind farms. Sif also actively strives to reduce its carbon footprint by producing and transporting in a smarter and more sustainable way. In addition, we facilitate for renewable energy initiatives on our company site such as a next-generation offshore wind test turbine operational since 2019. We aim to be CO2 neutral for all our primary business activities in the Netherlands by 2030. Including the green power generation of our test turbine makes us CO2 neutral in 2021 already.

By the end of 2021 we will make a major step in reducing our natural and propane gas consumption for the preheating of our welds by introducing induction heating for all our circumferential welds.

The reduction of consumables usage and the reuse and recycling of manufacturing materials are focus areas in Sif’s production processes. Residual product is separated with the help of colour-coded containers and currently 97% of the residual material is reused. Steel and minerals are fully recycled as are wood, paper and other waste; welding slugs are used in road foundations; environmental management systems are in accordance with ISO 14001; the facilities in Roermond comply with EU Directive 2010/75/EU (industrial emissions).

Since the end of 2019, we have been indirectly self-supporting in our electrical power supply, as we generate wind electricity on our own Maasvlakte site.

Third Party Verification and Recognition
Sif’s sustainability strategy and performance is verified and recognized by various knowledgeable parties in the market:

  1. MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International): Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry.
    • Accounting and Governance Rating AVERAGE (50): last update 19 June 2020.
    • Governance Metrics Report Rating 7.8/10: last update 26 May 2020.
    • ESG Rating BBB or 5.7/10: last update 26 May 2020.
    • No controversies: 10/10.
  2. ISS (Institutional Shareholder Services): Industry Machinery.
    • ESG Corporate rating C−. Transparency level 60–80% (high), Decile rank 4/10 (high relative performance) .
  3. CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project): Capital Goods.
    • Score climate change D (disclosure level) .
Product innovation

The reduction of costs of offshore wind energy is primarily driven by innovations and efficiency improvements.

The industry continues to find ways to increase the power generation of offshore wind farms. Currently, a generating capacity of 15 MW per turbine is close to reality. Sif tracks the latest developments in turbine technology closely and investigates exactly what effect this will have on size, manufacturability and cost of foundations.

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