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Production Process

Our core competence is the serial rolling, automated welding and coating of extremely thick plates to create unique tubular offshore foundations, such as monopiles and foundation components. In addition, we also produce primary steel for transition pieces, jacket legs, pin piles and pile sleeves. We have split our production capabilities between different locations.

The production of every monopile starts in Roermond on a specialized production line for large diameters. A vast majority of the rolled and welded cans, cones and sections are shipped to Rotterdam, where they are assembled into complete monopiles. Primary steel for transition pieces as well as smaller or shorter monopiles are manufactured in Roermond. Transition pieces are fitted out with platforms, boat landings, etc. by a specialized partner.

Components for offshore steel structures are manufactured mainly in Roermond on a separate production line for smaller diameters. Depending on market requirements, this production line is also used to manufacture pin piles for jacket foundations for offshore wind energy projects. The production method for the primary steel for transition pieces and for oil and gas components is similar to the production method for monopiles.

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Offshore wind farms are becoming increasingly comprehensive and complex, and are being built further offshore. We are seeing a clear trend of increasingly heavier and larger foundations. Quality standards for basic materials and the welding joints of our monopiles are also becoming more strict with more stringent requirements. This has created a demand not only for high welding speeds, but also for high-quality, increased process capabilities and flawless welding joints.

We need to comply with strict acceptance criteria and extremely close tolerances. Ensuring that these can be achieved within an ever decreasing lead time requires high standards of discipline, insight and experience. It is our most valued asset, our professionals, who can make this possible time after time.

How to make a monopile (monopile production process)

Production process

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Hollandse Kust Zuid

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Borssele 1-2


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