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Marshalling Logistics FF92585

Marshalling & Logistic Services

At our Maasvlakte 2 site in Europort Rotterdam, we operate a 62 hectare International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) site that enables us to provide marshalling and logistics services to our clients. Our excellent facilities include the deep-water quay of 628 metres length and easy accessibility.

Because installation ships require our services in any case in order to load monopiles, it pays for various companies to also use our site for other logistics and final assembly services, and ultimately as a marshalling port for their projects. All required equipment, facilities and labour to execute clients’ requirements can be mobilized on site.

We have dedicated in-house engineering staff available in order to engineer and determine project-specific requirements such as craneage including rigging details, self-propelled modular trailer (SPMT) moves, site layout drawings and facilities. Our excellent operational team is committed to execute clients’ requirements to full satisfaction.

Want to know more?
Mark Ruijten
Commercial Manager Marshalling and Logistics
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Product innovation

The reduction of costs of offshore wind energy is primarily driven by innovations and efficiency improvements.

The industry continues to find ways to increase the power generation of offshore wind farms. Currently, a generating capacity of 15 MW per turbine is close to reality. Sif tracks the latest developments in turbine technology closely and investigates exactly what effect this will have on size, manufacturability and cost of foundations.

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