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Sif considers safety the most important precondition to operate and as such, safety is the first priority in all our activities. Our company maintains strict safety procedures and we invest on an ongoing basis in continuously improving our safety culture, habits and awareness. While complying with our safety processes in a disciplined way we place value on assuring a respectful and enjoyable work environment where commitment to our employees and their health and safety is illustrated.

Our environmental, health and safety policy is implemented by giving substance to the following key points:

  • Ensuring adequate evaluation and proactive management of potential risks.
  • Ensuring sufficient competence of personnel by providing adequate training.
  • Minimizing the impact on the environment and ensuring recycling of materials.
  • Safe handling of hazardous substances.
  • Preventing damage to the environment, buildings, machines, materials and other facilities.
  • Complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Establishing and applying standard procedures and instructions.
  • Implementing the The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) at the Sif Terminal at Maasvlakte 2.

We focus on continuous improvement through:

  • Providing sufficient adequate resources.
  • Actively pursuing and maintaining a ‘no blame’ culture based on learning.
  • Setting objectives aimed at continuous improvement.
  • Conducting periodic reviews by measuring and analyzing performance.

It is a requirement for all employees to work in a safe and careful manner, in order to prevent danger and risks to themselves, others and the environment. Order and neatness, discipline, respect for each other and resources are of fundamental importance here.

Video safety instructions Maasvlakte 2

During a visit to one of our production locations, we kindly request you to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). If you are not in possession of this PPE, or don’t have access to it, Sif can provide a limited number of these items.

For our production site in Rotterdam / Maasvlakte 2 the following applies:

  • Safety shoes.
  • Safety glasses.
  • Safety helmet.
  • Hearing protection.
  • High-visibility vest.

Video safety instructions Roermond

For our production site in Roermond, the following applies:

  • Safety shoes.
  • Safety glasses.
  • Safety helmet.
  • Hearing protection.

Close to 100% of the foundations Sif delivers are for offshore wind farms. Sif also actively strives to reduce its carbon footprint by producing and transporting in a smarter and more sustainable way.

In addition, we facilitate for renewable energy initiatives on our company site such as a next-generation offshore wind test turbine operational since 2019. We aim to be CO2 neutral for all our primary business activities in the Netherlands by 2030. Including the green power generation of our test turbine makes us CO2 neutral in 2021 already.


Hollandse Kust Zuid

In production

Borssele 1-2


St. Brieuc


Sif Roermond

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Sif Maasvlakte 2 Rotterdam

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