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As the product designs are more critical the acceptance levels are driven to the most stringent product requirements, so Sif has extensive quality processes in place for every step of the production process.
These quality processes start with contract and design review, and document and data control throughout the complete fabrication line up to and including delivery and supplier control.

These well-embedded processes ensure Sif’s products are in the optimum condition before the final inspection is conducted with the client.

Sif has a longstanding reputation for delivering products with a high quality standard. We want to ensure that products comply with applicable governing standards, which describe the quality levels the products need to meet.

Everything has become bigger, stricter and more complex. The need for heavier and larger foundations has challenged our quality, engineering and welding department with new complex processes, as we work on customized projects.

In order to successfully deliver the products, we need to adhere to very strict acceptance criteria and extreme narrow tolerances.

To ensure that these requirements will be achieved within the project boundaries requires a lot of discipline, insight and experience. This experience is still evolving even after already producing more than 2,000 wind turbine generator (WTG) foundations. We at Sif constantly strive to optimize the processes and produce the next project even more efficiently to make sure the challenges of future projects can be achieved.


Sif considers safety the most important precondition to operate and as such, safety is the first priority in all our activities.

Our company maintains strict safety procedures and we invest on an ongoing basis in continuously improving our safety culture, habits and awareness. While complying with our safety processes in a disciplined way we place value on assuring a respectful and enjoyable work environment where commitment to our employees and their health and safety is illustrated.


Hollandse Kust Zuid

In production

Borssele 1-2


St. Brieuc


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