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Sif Corona

Current Covid-19 measures at Sif Group

Nov 13, 2020

These are the general rules:

  • Only necessary visits to Sif branches are allowed. If there is a lack of clarity regarding the necessity of a visit, this will be decided by management.
  • If business group meetings are planned, such as company visits, guided tours, or presentations, these should be postponed until further notice or be organized in another way (e.g. online).
  • Physical meetings with more than six people, including employees of Sif, are not allowed.

All visitors to Sif must fill in an assessment in order to access the premises.

We will not grant access to visitors who:

  • have symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath
  • have in the last two weeks been in contact with a coronavirus patient

If the assessment has been completed satisfactorily, the visitor must also comply with the usual HSE measures alongside specific COVID-19 measures:

  • Visitors are only granted access when supervised by a Sif employee at all times
  • Maintain a distance of 1.5 metres from other people; if this is not possible, a mask is mandatory
  • Wash your hands regularly using water and soap
  • Cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow
  • Use paper hand towels
  • Visitors must wear face masks if requested to do by a Sif employee.

We reserve the right to refuse visits if the situation surrounding coronavirus changes.

If a visitor does not comply with these rules, their visit will be terminated with immediate effect.

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