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Aeolus Takes Off with First Borssele III & IV Monopiles

Oct 29, 2019

Van Oord’s jack-up Aeolus has sailed away from the Port of Rotterdam with the first load of monopiles for the 731.5MW Borssele III & IV offshore wind farm. Aeolus arrived at the Sif Group terminal on Maasvlakte 2 to load the first of 77 monopiles last week.

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Located some 22 kilometres off the coast of Zeeland, Borssele III & IV will comprise 77 MHI Vestas V164 9.5MW wind turbines installed on monopiles without transition pieces. Van Oord is the Balance of Plant (BoP) contractor responsible for the engineering, procurement, and construction of the wind farm’s foundations and inter-array cables.


The wind farm is being developed by the Blauwwind consortium comprising Partners Group (45%), Shell (20%), DGE (15%), Eneco Group (10%), and Van Oord (10%). Shell and Eneco Group have also secured 15-year Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) from the consortium, under which each will buy 50% of the power generated by the wind farms. The wind farm is slated for commissioning in 2021.

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