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GROW and Dutch Ministry enhance the innovative power of offshore wind energy

Apr 4, 2019

Offshore wind energy plays an important role in making our energy supply more sustainable. Through the GROW partnership, which unites the Dutch offshore wind industry and research partners, we at Sif are committed to increasing that role. As one of the founders of GROW, we are delighted that the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is giving us their full support.

What does GROW do?

GROW's social task is to make our energy supply more sustainable, which it achieves by implementing a coherent Research, Development & Demonstration programme. For example, alongside conducting fundamental research, we demonstrate and roll out offshore wind energy innovations.

GROW also looks at the big questions, such as how wind turbines can be installed more easily and at lower costs. This requires vision and innovative power in addition to knowledge, experience, and facilities to promote these developments. GROW also explores other questions, including how to limit or prevent the environmental impact of noise or how to perform maintenance activities as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Strengthening the Dutch wind energy sector

‘GROW makes sure the Dutch offshore wind energy sector stays ahead of the pack,’ says Sandor Gaastra, Director-General of Climate & Energy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. ‘That’s why we have a cooperation agreement with GROW. This will further strengthen the position of offshore wind energy and the Dutch wind energy sector. And because parties from the entire offshore wind value chain cooperate intensively and share knowledge within GROW, successful innovations find a practical application relatively quickly. This makes GROW a good partner for us to discuss issues and join forces with.’

Innovation as a foundation

‘To achieve national energy and climate goals, there need to be even more and deeper partnerships between the government, industry, knowledge institutions, and social actors,’ says GROW chairman Peter Terium. ‘Innovation is the foundation for this partnership. This agreement helps us to sustain our high-pace innovation environment.’

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