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in production
near the coast of Akita & Noshiro
Wind turbines
MHI Vestas’ V117-4.2MW
Number of turbines
33 (13 Akita + 20 Noshiro)
Annual production
approx. 50,000 + 75,000 = 125,000 households
Owner & Developer
Akita Offshore Wind
Sif Client
Kajima Corporation
Water depth
approx. 10-30 metres
20211201arrival IMG 0023

Akita Noshiro

The 55 MW Akita wind farm will feature 13 turbines, while the 84 MW Noshiro wind farm will include 20 turbines. The Akita and Noshiro wind farms will be able to power 48,950 and 75,308 homes a year respectively.

Both wind farms will be installed with MHI Vestas’ V117-4.2MW turbines based on fixed-bottom foundations. The V117-4.2MW turbine is designed for medium to high wind speeds and can withstand extreme wind conditions.

The wind turbines will be installed on 33 monopiles and 33 transition pieces. The offshore construction work will be performed using a wind installation vessel, which will be stationed at the Akita and Noshiro ports.

The offshore construction work will begin in 2021, while the turbines are expected to be installed in 2022.

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