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Borssele5 2020 04 03 at 09 48 34

Borssele 5

Borssele Wind Farm (official name: Borssele wind farm zone) is a collection of wind farms under construction off the coast of Zeeland. Via a connection to Borssele, the parks have been supplying electricity to the Dutch energy grid since April 2020. A total of 173 wind turbines with a combined capacity of 1.5 gigawatts will be built in the area.

Borssele V is intended as an innovation area. There are two turbines, generating a total of 19 MW. A consortium with the name Two Towers is installing the windmills.

Sif manufactured the innovative slip-joint used on one of the foundations and applied the innovative Thermal Sprayed Aluminium (TSA) on the other foundation

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