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Siemens outsources marshalling activities to Sif

May 28, 2020

Siemens and Sif have signed a contract for marshalling activities that will start in 2021 and continue until 2023. Siemens is the second client to make use of the complete logistics services offered by the Sif terminal at the Tweede Maasvlakte location. Sif's first assignment for marshalling activities was commissioned by Deme Offshore. Sif is responsible for all logistics activities for the monopiles at areas 1 and 2 of the Borssele wind farm zone.

In August 2019, Sif rented an extra 20 hectares of space the Port of Rotterdam. This means that Sif now operates a site covering 62 hectares, complete with a deep-sea quay and direct access to the North Sea.

Sif established a location on the Maasvlakte in 2016. This is where the company assembles steel hulls and sections of monopiles, made in the factories in Roermond, into monopiles which are then coated and stored on the Sif site.

Over the years, Sif has expanded its marshalling activities into a complete package of services. Sif also possesses the expertise, storage space, and material to offer offshore wind developers and contractors the best logistics solutions.

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