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Sif can get started with monopiles for Hollandse Kust Zuid

Jun 5, 2020

Vattenfall has taken final investment decision for Hollandse Kust Zuid 1-4 proceeding with the construction of what will be the world’s largest offshore wind farm. With its installed capacity of 1,500 MW, the Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm will be the largest of its kind worldwide, when fully operational in 2023. It will produce enough electricity to cover the consumption of over two million Dutch households.

As previously published in our Trading Update of November 7th 2019, Sif will provide the 140 11MW Siemens Gamesa turbines of monopile foundations. Sif’s scope comprises the manufacturing of the monopiles and storage at the Maasvlakte 2 facility. We are pleased with the news from Vattenfall that operations now definitely can get started.

The vice president of Vattenfall, Gunnar Groebler said: “Thanks to good cooperation with our national and international partners, we are well prepared for the next steps towards realizing this milestone project.”

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